Tilt steering on this version is pitiful. I have tried to adjust the sensitivity to no avail... There is way to much null zone off center.. I can tilt my iPad almost 15 degrees and the car just begins to turn all be it very slowly.. Tilted around 20 degrees and the car snaps violently into oversteer and all I do is fishtail.. Driving straight is almost impossible as you come out of a turn.. Sad really because this version has great tracks and the ability to upgrade and paint your car is brilliant.. I have turned the difficulty way down and stuck with it long enough to purchase the baja truck and rally car and max out all their upgrades thinking maybe the handling would improve with the better cars.. Nope, they all exhibit the same characteristics.. Fix the steering physics or add the ability to adjust the null zone and linearity and Ill gladly give it five stars..
Lido class about Reckless Racing 2